Essepiwood is constantly striving to satisfy its customers regarding the products and services it provides, as well as in improvement. It first obtained FSC® Forest Stewardship Council® certification, which is dedicated to promoting responsible management of the world's forests. Later it also obtained PEFC certification the Program for Mutual Recognition of Forest Certification Schemes. Through these certifications Essepiwood contributes to spreading principles of good forest management in civil and industrial society. As of 2020, Essepiwood has obtained ISO 9001 certification, a corporate quality management system.
ISO 9001: 2015
Essepiwood is committed to continuous improvement to increase its efficiency, increase customer focus, and evolve its approach to processes.
The aim is to implement a reliable business model able to ensure stable performance over time and to keep improving the quality of products and services.
ISO 9001:2015 defines the minimum requirements that an organization's Quality Management System must demonstrate that it meets to ensure the level of business quality it claims to possess with itself and the marketplace.
Essepiwood obtained the FSC® certification in 2012.(Forest Stewardship Council®) This certification system verifies sustainable sourcing of forest products and ecosystem services at every step of the value chain, from forest to consumer. This system allows certificate holders to market their products and services as the result of environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial and economically viable forest management. This certification system verifies sustainable sourcing of forest products and ecosystem services at every step of the value chain, from forest to consumer.
In 2013 our company obtained the PEFC certification. This certification promotes sustainable forest management , allowing consumers and companies to choose products from sustainable sources, rewarding responsible forest owners and creating an incentive for non-certified forest owners to obtain certification. Forest certification increases the value of forests by building consumer confidence and thus creating additional demand for forest products. Increasing value and demand for forest products is one of the best ways to conserve forests, as it prevents forest land from being converted in land for alternative uses such as agriculture. Increasingly, forest certification is a prerequisite to have access to the labour market and certified forest materials are more and more requested in supply policies around the world.