Know-How and Quality

Precision is the result of balance between man and machine, where the former further enhances the work of the latter.

In all sectors and fields of activity, the quality of the result depends on our approach to work, which covers all business aspects: from the selection of raw materials to the production process, from organization to the work environment.

Quality is a must for Essepiwood in its never-ending search for excellence. The continuous controls carried out during the entire production cycle on both processes and products enable us to ensure top quality standards.

wood bending and pressing

We constantly monitor quality to create products that will endure the test of time.

plywood sashes

Our workings


From three-dimensional design to quoting and sampling.

armchair mold

Plywood Processing

We guarantee careful and meticulous processing of plywood at every stage of processing.


armchair mold

CNC Pantographing

We offer the best results for customizing each item.

Product Finishing

We complete the production cycle with the utmost care to deliver the promised end result.